This week, Kris Tyson, a social media personality from the most popular channel on YouTube has started openly identifying as a woman. The channel's audience mainly consists of kids, as if there isn't enough gender identity propaganda being shoved down children's throats already. Despite his problematic past, Tyson is being love-bombed and showered with praise. Some queer radicals are crowning him as the new spokesperson for the alphabet cult.
We beg to differ.
One concerning factor is that people transition for different reasons. Some sub-sections of the trans community are highly socially isolated from each other and are more connected to other cultural contexts than to an abstract and shared transgender identity. One branch of trans subculture has been observed in major cities, where "middle-class white crossdressers" recreationally crossdress behind their family's back and sometimes leave their wife in the process (Hwahng, 2007). While we don’t know what exactly Tyson's motivation for transitioning was, we do know that he has absolutely nothing in common with gay people.
Tyson has admitted to leaving his wife and child in order to pursue womanhood. Heterosexual or bisexual-identified men who abandon their wives and transition are known to have paraphilic tendencies when it comes to crossdressing. Their self-described incongruence between their identity and their sex stems from a masochistic urge to attain female body parts and appropriate the caricature of a woman. Transvestic disorder may manifest in an exhibitionistic manner, where men get aroused by strangers watching them on camera while dressed as women. It is associated with flashing, frotteurism, and criminality. Some of these men even transition because they have a castration kink. Heavy pornography use is common (Rosenthal, 2015). We have received reports of male crossdressers distributing cartoon pornography which promotes transgender ideology to children.
Tyson has admitted to leaving his wife and child in order to pursue womanhood. Heterosexual or bisexual-identified men who abandon their wives and transition are known to have paraphilic tendencies when it comes to crossdressing. Their self-described incongruence between their identity and their sex stems from a masochistic urge to attain female body parts and appropriate the caricature of a woman. Transvestic disorder may manifest in an exhibitionistic manner, where men get aroused by strangers watching them on camera while dressed as women. It is associated with flashing, frotteurism, and criminality. Some of these men even transition because they have a castration kink. Heavy pornography use is common (Rosenthal, 2015). We have received reports of male crossdressers distributing cartoon pornography which promotes transgender ideology to children.
"Lolicon" is a Japanese brand of child hypersexualization that encourages attraction to prepubescent girls, particularly in anime and manga. Since there is little to no work being done to prevent Lolicon’s presence in Japanese society, it is very easy for minors to acquire child pornography in cartoon form, even in convenience stores. Its wide availability is influencing and normalizing the attraction to underage girls. Simultaneously, popularizing Lolicon is a message to girls that they are objects for consumer consumption, and that their youth (and innocence) is especially desirable in a sexual setting (Arpan, 2020). We find it very concerning that a man who openly promotes this filth is being paid millions of dollars to advertise his fetish on camera for millions of children.
We also find it infuriating that somebody like this is being celebrated as a representative for the LGBTQIA+ propaganda machine.
We were not surprised to find out that Tyson has a history of hating gay people…until he woke up one day and decided that he identifies as one of us. Having homophobic straight people with paraphilias trying to identify their way into our demographic is not new. It has been an issue in the lesbian community for a while now. Men like Tyson, who identify as lesbians or bisexual women find enjoyment in breaking women's boundaries (Sullivan, 2022). They have been terrorizing lesbian spaces for decades. Trantifa communists openly admit that "transgender" ideology is designed to break the barriers of sexual orientation, including that of female homosexuals. These men spent years protesting female-only music festivals created for lesbians because they were not allowed in. Lesbian dating apps are covered with men who identify as women, some of which even have beards – we’re not joking.
In a recent interview with Breitbart, our president said, “Just the the notion that a man can be lesbian, like, a biological man can be a lesbian, it just it makes me cringe, it makes me uncomfortable. And it’s just another way to try to get lesbians to somehow want to be with men, and that will never happen. That’s never been the case, and it never will be.”
They harass strangers and have violent outbursts when they feel excluded from lesbian-only activities. The demonization of lesbian women has become a staple in trans/queer activism at its highest levels. These men scaremonger about the "weaponization of lesbian identity against trans lives."
Male academics in the field of lesbian studies have recently decided that female-exclusive lesbian relationships promote fascism and climate change. Yes, seriously.
"Some lesbians are marginalized because they are seen as psychologically deviant, whereas others are framed as criminals; a more recent form of marginalization equates lesbianism with transphobia (Hagai, 2021)." Predatory men penetrate female spaces and shame women for not wanting to see their penises. It is homophobia and male audacity in a dress. These men are not a friend to the gay community – they hate us.
Tyson has shared "anti-trans" and white supremacist content, as well. Such bigotry would usually not be acceptable in a "progressive" community. But according to the gendercult, slapping on some lipstick immediately makes you immune from criticism. All of your past sins are washed away when you put on the dress and pretend to be something that you aren't.
Being part of the TQ+ mafia gives one the permission to colonize other demographic groups, rewrite the rules, flood the media with filth, and brainwash an entire generation of boys and girls who just want to watch cartoons without having to worry about predators. No other group has the ability to identify their way out of criticism when people point out their bad behavior.
Take note of the fact that the loudest, most obnoxious trans activists who insist on castrating children are adult males who started hormones as adults. There is a noticeable trend of adults projecting their fetish onto children. For instance, a "trans teacher" went viral a few months ago for wearing sex gear to school everyday. He has the civil right to do so, on the basis of "gender identity." The people in charge claim to know these "trans kids" more than their own parents do, which is always a warning sign of an inappropriate relationship. Trans activist social media personalities like Tyson encourage kids to explore their "gender identity," which is a purely religious belief created by a pedophile. Their cross-sex fantasy is actively placed onto minors through the computer screen. Some of these kids are eventually stolen from their parents. In states like California and Colorado, they've appointed themselves in charge of deciding what is best for other people's kids who seek "gender-affirming" mastectomies.
We have nothing in common with a man who abandons his wife to become a male lesbian. Nor do we want to be associated with somebody who endorses and takes interest in child pornography. Kris Tyson is one of the last people who should be praised as our representative. Parents should be concerned that this type of material is being shown to children on a daily basis.
Gays Against Groomers demands that MrBeast removes Tyson from his channel immediately.