The 2024 school year is now in full swing. Teachers have gone out of their way to prepare for their students. They've spent months going over the curriculum and decorating their classrooms.
We were recently contacted by a concerned parent whose child attends a middle school in Suffern Central School District, NY. Their child came to them, rightfully alarmed by a questionnaire their teacher had them fill out. The form asked the children what pronouns they use and if it was okay to use those pronouns in front of other students. As if that isn't weird enough, the survey also asked students aged 10–13 if the teacher needed to hide their identity from their parents.
The whistleblower child has a very close relationship with their parents. Their kids told them right away. This concerned parent went to an open house and noticed Progress Pride flags in the classrooms…multiple flags plastered all over the room. This has just become a religious ritual at this point, complete with its own symbolism and ceremonies. This whistleblower parent confronted the teachers in question, expressing their concern. The teachers regurgitated the same “we are fostering inclusion and a safe environment” line.

An adult should NEVER have secrets between them and a minor. No safe adult should ever encourage children to keep things from their parents. The only other time this happens is when a child is being abused. This is opening the door for trusted adults to take advantage of children, ensuring they will already be comfortable keeping things from their parents. This is the active disassembling of the parent-child relationship—grooming at its finest.
New York enacted a policy titled “Guidelines to Support Transgender and Gender Expansive Students” This policy encourages teachers not to disclose a transition to the parents for “safety” reasons. The policy also states “the student is in charge of their gender transition and the school’s role is to provide support.” In layman’s terms, no matter who or what the student decides to identify with, the school’s job is to affirm. This affirmation extends way beyond just preferred pronouns; it encompasses the child as a whole. The NYC Department of Education provides, upon request (and online), a “Student Name and Gender Change Request Form.” This form allows a student to change their gender marker and name. The gender marker options are male, female, and X (neither male nor female). The form also states that the student's legal name and “previously designated gender” will be archived in the DOE system.
The policy also ensures that the student will be allowed access to locker rooms, bathrooms, and sports that align with their preferred gender. Horrifyingly, since the child will now be labeled as male or female, the policy makes it clear that during all overnight field trips, the student will be housed with the gender they identify with. Meaning, if a boy identifies as a girl, during overnight trips, he will be housed with the girls.

Unfortunately for our children, this is becoming a growing issue within schools. In July of this year (2024), Gavin Newsom signed into law that educators are PROHIBITED from disclosing a child’s change in identity or social name to parents. This means that if a teacher is concerned about a child suddenly transitioning at school, they will be legally penalized for notifying the student's parents.
Thankfully, ten states have passed bills in the opposite regard. According to Education Week, Montana, North Dakota, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Utah, and Arizona have all passed “pronoun laws” requiring parents to be notified of their child’s change in identity. The bills are only possible to even begin to legislate due to parent concern and high outrage. Parents have begun to see what is being pulled right in front of their eyes. Now is the time to stand up. Now is the time to speak out. We must legislate counter bills in every state in the nation, and it can only be done with the support of parents. The war on children and families is finally coming to light. What side of history will you stand on?
New York City Department of Education. (2024). Guidelines to support transgender and gender expansive students. NYC Department of Education.
Pendharkar, E. (2023, June 15). Pronouns for Trans, Nonbinary Students: The States With Laws That Restrict Them in Schools. Education Week.